This Week in Swimming
September 21st
Good Evening Athletes and Parents,
I have a few quick notes in this belated weekly email...
- Swim meet tomorrow at home against Hill-Murray starting at 6. Please have athletes to the pool by 4:15 to help with setup!
- Friday is our homecoming parade. We have a float again this year thanks to our wonderful Booster Club! We'll be one of the last floats in the parade. The parade starts to "step off" at 5:15 from Garlough with staging beginning at 4:45. We'll likely need some parent shuttles to go from the pool to Garlough. The swimmers/divers should be back at Two Rivers by 6.
- We'll have a 90 minute Saturday practice at 8:30. All athletes have the option to come to Friday's practice, Saturday's practice or both. They do not need to attend both Friday and Saturday. We did this last year to allow everyone to participate in the Homecoming festivities and will do it again this year.
- Please remind your athlete (as the coaches did) to be responsible, smart, and most importantly, safe during the Homecoming weekend.
- Finally, please see the below regarding an update from our Booster Club:
- I have not been successful in getting school space for pasta dinners. Unfortunately, I don’t think we will be able to offer that this season.
- Senior night will be 10/13. Please contact me (Kerry) if you are interested in helping to make this night special for our 4 senior Warriors.
- Save the date 11/20 for our End of Season celebration. Please contact me if you’d like to help with this event.
- Still waiting on a Swin-a-Thon update. Sharing the pool with Concordia means we don’t always have access. We hope to have more info soon! Questions or other updates? Let us know! See you all on Thursday
- -Kerry Appleton
Thanks everyone! We love your support and the noise you provide at our meets!
Go Warriors!